The Ateneo Intellectual Property Office (AIPO) in partnership with Kwentoon, invites you to join the Philippine Kids's Content Festival 2024 - a creative convention about Visual and Literary Arts. The event will be held on October 19, 2024, at the Rizal Library 5th Floor Study Hall of the First Pacific Hall, Ateneo de Manila University, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
There will be exclusive classes and an art market for attendees who want to support local creators of comics, books, games, and animation.

Learn from professional artists in the book, comics, and animation industry
Join workshops on how to create your comics and animation
Support their books and merch
Meet local creator exhibitors
Play table card games, tabletop role-playing games, and more! (e.g. Dungeons and Dragons)

Message us at or Kwentoon for more information.
Please use referral code: AIPO2024 to get a 10% discount for any of the exclusive classes and general admission tickets.
Thank you very much for your support. We are excited to have you involved in this initiative.
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