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Writer's pictureAteneo Intellectual Property Office [AIPO]

Collaborative Patent Searching and Drafting Workshop by AIPO and IPMC for RTU Faculty

In a significant step towards fostering innovation and excellence, the Intellectual Property Management Center (IPMC) and Technology Transfer and Business Development Center (TTBDC) of the Rizal Technological University (RTU), in collaboration with the Ateneo Intellectual Property Office (AIPO) recently organized an event entitled "Project - IP Protection and Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Enhancement towards Commercialization,” held on August 8-11, 2023. The event was held as part of the thriving partnership between RTU and Ateneo, which aims to promote innovation, IP protection, and commercialization.

Image: Group photo of RTU Faculty with AIPO Team

The event was held in a hybrid session and consisted of the following:

Day 1 - Basics of Intellectual Property / Patent Search

Day 2 - Invention Spotting / Patent Drafting of Claims and Specifications

Day 4 - Presentation of Patent Document

Over the course of four (4) days, the workshop skillfully blended virtual and in-person sessions to create an enriching learning experience for RTU faculty. The initial two days were dedicated to hybrid sessions. Day 1 of the session covered the basics of intellectual property and discussions about conducting a patent search. The participants learned about the different types of patents, the requirements for patentability, the benefits of obtaining a patent, and an overview of the patent application process in the Philippines. They were also introduced to various search tools and strategies, including the use of patent databases.

On Day 2, participants were immersed in the art of invention spotting and were taught how to draft a patent search report. The significance of conducting a thorough search was also emphasized, as it can help in the early identification of potential patentability issues. Participants were also taught how to draft patent claims and specifications that accurately describe the scope of the invention.

These hybrid sessions were held simultaneously via Zoom for the AIPO’s team, presented by Ms Madielaine Fatallo and Ms Vanessa Malapit from the Protection and Education Group of the AIPO. Simultaneously, RTU faculty participants and guests held an on-site IP consultation and patent drafting session at the R&D innovation center of the RTU.

Image: Photo of the speakers, Ms Madielaine Fatallo (left) and Ms Vanessa Malapit (right) of the AIPO Protection and Education Group; Photo credits to the Rizal Technological University

The culmination of the workshop was held on-site on August 11, its last day, giving participants an opportunity to present the patent documents they had drafted. The esteemed panel of evaluators includes the AIPO Director, Dr Proceso "Jon" Fernandez Jr.; the RTU-IPMC Director, Dr Belinda Bunag; and the AIPO Head of Protection and Education, Ms Vanessa Malapit MSc.

Image: The panelists giving feedback to the presenters; Dr Proceso “Jon” Fernandez (left),

Ms Vanessa Malapit (middle) and Dr Belinda Bunag (right)

Photo credits to the Rizal Technological University

The event signifies the beginning of the partnership between RTU-IPMC and AIPO. This partnership, founded on a mutual vision of fostering innovation and nurturing intellectual property expertise, holds the promise of a future enriched by technological advancements, thriving startups, and a vibrant culture of innovation.


If you are interested in joining the upcoming patent searching and drafting workshop, you may email us at To know more about our office, you may visit our website at You may also check out our Facebook and LinkedIn pages for the latest updates and announcements.


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